
Velvet – a light and sophisticated scent for people sensitive to strong perfumes. Package contents: 4 sachets with granules   [image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center” height=”400″...

How is “Shake” used?

[divider] CARS USE: Hold the bottle, inserting your fingers through the opening in the wooden container. Unscrew the upper part and remove the plastic cap. Put back the wooden lid in its place and fasten. Hang “Shake” in the location of your choice in your car. We...


“SHAKE” is a completely innovative product in the domain of car perfumes. It has been patented under the number P20030932A. It resulted from the need to open a new dimension of air fresheners for closed spaces. Its packaging is an integral part of its completely...

Ecological thinking

“Shake” scents, based on essential oils, are suitable for people sensitive to industrial scents and perfumes, as well as for children and pets. All materials used in the production process are fully recyclable. At the 53rd World Exhibition of Inventions,...

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